Protect Your Trees from Spotted Lanternflies: What You Need to Know

As summer progresses, you might notice a new pest entering your landscape: the spotted lanternfly. These sap-sucking insects are notorious for attacking many plants, including willows, maples, walnuts, and the invasive Tree of Heaven. Understanding how to manage and control these pests is crucial for maintaining the health of your trees.

What Are Spotted Lanternflies?

Spotted lanternflies are striking insects with distinctive black spots and bright red underwings. They are particularly troublesome because they feed on the sap of various plants, weakening and potentially killing them. When spotted lanternflies swarm, the damage can become extensive, significantly harming your landscape.

How to Manage Spotted Lanternflies

1. Regular Monitoring

Spotting a few lanternflies early can prevent a larger infestation. Regularly inspect your trees, especially those known to attract these pests. Look for adult lanternflies, nymphs, or egg masses.

2. Squash Individual Lanternflies

If you see a lanternfly or two, don’t wait. Squash them immediately to prevent further spreading. These insects can reproduce quickly, so taking swift action is essential.

3. Join Our Plant Care Program

To ensure your trees are protected throughout the season, consider our Quarterly and Monthly Plant Care Programs. Our comprehensive approach includes targeted treatments designed to manage and control spotted lanternflies. For smaller trees, we apply systemic insecticides that work from within.

Why Act?

Timely intervention is critical to protecting your landscape from the damage caused by spotted lanternflies. Our expert team is equipped to help you manage these pests precisely, ensuring your trees’ continued health and vitality.

Ready to protect your trees from spotted lanternflies? Contact us today to learn more about our plant care programs and one-off treatments. Together, we can keep your landscape beautiful and pest-free.